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Pretty Polemoniums add colour and scent to your garden

Polemonium caeruleum Heaven Scent PVR Protected

Height: 25 cm
Spread: 25 cm
Full Sun/Part Shade
Frost Hardy

General Description:

A beautiful new sterile form of Jacobs Ladder with leaves that first emerge purple-bronze and then turn bronze-green during summer. Flowers in grape like clusters, violet blue in colour. More resistant to mildew than most types.


Perfect for a shady spot under trees or in a mixed cottage garden border. Plant where you can enjoy the fragrance from the beautiful blue flowers.

Plant Care:

Stunning garden plant, ideal with some afternoon shade. Easy care perennial. Apply slug bait and feed annually with a general garden fertiliser


Flowering Period Summer
Foliage Colour Green
Flower Colour Blue
Repeat Flowering Yes
just add...
A Partly Sunny Position
Warm Temperatures