Acer Bloodgood0.jpg

Add colour to your garden with the gorgeous deep maroon foliage of this Acer

Acer palmatum dissectum Bloodgood

Height: 3.0 metres
Spread: 5.0 metres
Full Sun
Full Sun/Part Shade

General Description:

Acer Bloodgood is one of the best dark red selections of the Japanese Maple. Bloodgood forms an upright tree with a spreading crown developing with age. The deep maroon red foliage keeps its colour well from spring to autumn.


Japanese Maples can be used as small shade trees, screens, garden fillers or tub specimens and can even be espaliered against walls or trellis.

Plant Care:

Japanese maples generally enjoy a sunny sheltered spot in any garden with good well-drained soil. A good organic mulch will help to keep the roots cool and moist during the hot dry spells experienced over the summer months. Trees can be clipped to form dense solid trees or pruned judiciously to create light dappled shade.

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A Partly Sunny Position
A Sunny Position
Cool Temperatures
Warm Temperatures
Moist Soils
A Sheltered Site