
Alectryon excelsus titoki

Height: 8.0 metres
Spread: 6.0 metres
Full Sun
Full Sun/Part Shade
Frost Hardy

General Description:

The titoki is probably the most widely planted native tree in New Zealand. The titoki forms a round-headed tree with deep green glossy foliage. The unusual small red fruits are a food source for Kererū and other native birds. Titoki leaves and oil have been used as an insect repellent to ward off mosquito and sandflies. Early settlers perhaps dreaming of English forests often referred to titoki as the New Zealand oak.


Titoki have been used extensively as street trees but make a bold evergreen shade tree in the garden. Titoki respond well to trimming and shaping and can be used as a pleached or stilt hedge or as large topiary subjects.

Plant Care:

Titoki thrive in well-drained soil. They should be staked until established and would benefit from a deep layer of mulch to keep the roots cool and moist during dry spells.


Foliage Colour Green
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A Partly Sunny Position
A Sunny Position
Moist Soils
A Coastal Site