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A popular indoor plant that looks great while effectively cleaning the air

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Size: Small < 1m

General Description:

A flowering perennial that has long being one of our most popular indoor and landscape plants. Spathiphyllum are herbaceous plants with lance-shaped to oblong leaves with showy, white spathes, each one cupping a yellow spadix. There has been significant breeding work done in recent years with Spathiphyllum resulting in many leaf forms, colours and differing flowering habits. Also available is the Spathiphyllum Dominio. This variety is a well-known variegated spathe with a particularly tough leaf, making it an ideal indoor plant. The Dominio flowers reliably.


Spathes are hardy and highly tolerant of low light, making them perfect for brightening a dark corner or for mass planting to create a more dramatic foliage effect indoors. Their resilience and attractive leaves make them an ideal choice for interior spaces.

Plant Care:

Water spathes well from spring to autumn and more carefully in the winter. They tolerate standing in water but not drying out. Keep plants away from direct sunlight as to much light will cause yellowing of the foliage. As a tropical plant, the Spathiphyllum prefers warmer temperatures; 18°C is ideal but will tolerate down to 15°C. Feed when in active growth but not during winter. Spathes prefer high humidity; old flower stems can be cut off and plants can be re-potted in the spring. Spathes can be susceptible to spider mites and grey mould.

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